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Lent and Easter
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Ash Wednesday 5th March Mass and imposition of Ashes 7:00pm

Sunday 9th March Lent 1 - Mass 10:00am

Sunday 16th March Lent 2 - Mass 10:00am

Sunday 23rd March Lent 3 - Mass 10:00am                                                                                               - Evensong & Benedcition 6:00pm

Sunday 30th March Lent 4 - Mass 10:00am

Sunday 6th April Lent 5 - Mass 10:00am

Sunday 13th April Palm Sunday - Procession & Mass 10:00am​



Monday 14th April  - Mass 10:00am, Compline 6:30pm

Tuesday 15th April - Stations of the Cross and Holy Communion 6:30pm

Wednesday 16th April - Mass 10:am, Compline 6:30pm

Maundy Thursday 17th April - Mass of the Lord's Supper 7:00pm

Good Friday 18th April -  Liturgy 2:00pm                                         

                                          - Music for Good Friday 7:00pm

Holy Saturday 19th April - Easter Vigil and first mass of Easter  7:00pm

Easter Day Sunday 20th April  - Mass 10:00am                                             - Evensong & Benedcition 6:00pm​

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